GCE Results Day Posted on: 19 Oct 2015

August 18, 2016 all-day

AS examination results will be published on Thursday 18th August.  We will make results available to students from 9.30am.  Where students chose to sit a mock AS Level, they will receive a provisional grade, although these may be revised after a second marking when official exam board mark schemes become available.  We anticipate the majority of students will have achieved results they are happy with; however experience tells us that there will be a small number of cases where results are not as they ought to be.  In this situation appointments will be made for students to meet with myself or another senior member of staff so that progress into Year 13 can be discussed.  If a student requires advice on applying for Higher Level Apprenticeship or continuing studies elsewhere, Mr Moore will be on hand to advise.  Parents/carers will, of course, be welcome to attend appointments with students.

Staff will be available during both AS and GCSE (25th August) results days and Sixth Form Enrolment (Friday 26th August) should you require any further advice and guidance.  The office will be closed from Tuesday 30th August, reopening on Monday 5th September.