
Year 11 Mock Examinations
Dec 1 – Dec 12 all-day
Year 8 Girls – HPV Vaccinations
Dec 15 @ 9:00 am – 11:30 am

All girls in Year 8 are being offered the opportunity to be immunised against Human Papillomavirus (HPV). Medical advice is that the vaccine offers protection against two of the strains of HPV which can cause cervical cancer.

A member of the School Nursing Service will speak briefly to Year 8 girls regarding the vaccinations; an information leaflet and consent form has been issued to your daughter. If you wish your daughter to be vaccinated, it is important that the consent form is returned to the Main Academy Office before Friday 10th October 2014.

HPV first vaccinations will be given on Monday 15th December 2014 and the second dose will be given on Monday 29th June 2015.

If you require further information, please do not hesitate to contact the school or you may find the following website of use:

Year 7 Disco
Dec 16 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

The Year 7 Disco will be held on Tuesday 16th December 2014 in ‘Food for Thought’ between 6:00pm and 8:00pm.

Tickets cost £2.00 and can be purchased at the Academy Business Office at break-times; all money should be placed inside a sealed envelope labelled with the pupil’s name and registration group along with a completed permission slip.

Payment for tickets can also be made on-line using ParentPay; there is a tick box facility for parents to give consent so there is no need to return the tear off slip.  If you pay by this method your daughter/son can simply collect a ticket from the Academy Business Office, allowing 48 hours after you make your payment.

All payments must be received no later than Friday 12th December.  If anyone has any financial concerns regarding payment please contact me via the Main Academy Office.  These concerns will be treated confidentially.  I hope that all pupils will choose to attend the disco; in the event of low ticket sales the disco will be cancelled.

Please ensure that your child is collected at 8:00pm to ensure their safety.

Yours faithfully

V M Lowthian
Head of Learning Year 7

Year 7 Disco – Tuesday 16th December 2014

I give permission for my daughter/son ……………….. Form ………….

to attend the Year 7 Disco on Tuesday 16th December  and I enclose £2.00.  I confirm that my child will be collected at 8:00pm.

Signed (Parent/Carer) ………………………………………..

Print Name ……………………………………………………

Please return to the Academy Business Office along with payment by Friday 12th December

Christmas Service @ Whitburn Parish Church
Dec 18 @ 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm

Come and join us for our annual

Last Day of Term Arrangements
Dec 19 all-day

We will hold our Christmas Service for all pupils on Friday 19th December 2014, the last morning of the school term, after which pupils will be dismissed at approximately 12:30pm.  There will be no scholars’ bus service at this time or school lunches; if your child is entitled to a free school meal then a packed lunch will be provided, please contact the Main Academy Office to request one no later than Friday 12th December 2014.

The last day of term will be a non-uniform day with pupils being encouraged to make a donation of £1 towards the charities Shelter and Leukaemia Research. Pupils should be modestly dressed but may wear clothing appropriate to the festive season e.g. Christmas jumpers!  Pupils are asked to bring as little as possible to school on this day, with only writing equipment needed.

May I take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support and to wish you a very Happy Christmas and a peaceful New Year.

Christmas Holiday
Dec 22 2014 – Jan 2 2015 all-day
PTA Meeting @ Conference Room
Jan 13 @ 7:30 pm – 9:00 pm
Sixth Form Applications Evening @ Whitburn Church of England Academy
Jan 29 @ 3:30 pm – 7:00 pm

Come along and find out about our new Sixth Form and the exciting opportunities it can offer you.  No appointment is necessary.

Click on the link below to view our flyer

Sixth Form Applications Evening






Year 11 Parents/Carers Evening @ Septimus and Sports Halls
Jan 29 @ 3:30 pm – 7:00 pm

On Thursday 29th January 2015 we will be holding a Year 11 Parents’ Evening, which will take place in the Septimus Hall between 3:20pm and 7:15pm.  This will give you and your child an opportunity to discuss any subject specific academic concerns as well as current grades, progress and attitudes to learning in all subjects. Please note there is limited parking on the Academy site.  Spaces are available for ‘Blue Badge’ holders; please contact the Main Academy Office for further details.

Pupils have been given an appointment sheet and will need to make an appointment with the relevant subject teacher in the two weeks preceding the Parents’ Evening.  Your child should be encouraged to complete this with their subject teachers at the earliest opportunity.

Although the main purpose of the evening is for you to discuss your child’s current progress in their GCSE courses, Mr Hardie and our new Head of Sixth Form, Mr Craggs , will be based in Emmaus (opposite the Septimus Hall) for the duration of the evening should you have any general or specific queries relating to our Sixth Form.  Parents/carers and pupils are welcome to drop in and ask questions or simply gather information.  Mr Moore will also be present to address any Careers based concerns or queries.

We are aware that this is an extremely important time for our pupils and we are grateful for the continued support of parents/carers.  We look forward to seeing you on our Parents’ Evening and hope that you have been given sufficient information with which to best support your child with their examination preparation.  Should you have any queries or require any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact the Main Academy Office.